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Educating Children in the New Millennium: Child’s Play
By Steve Webb

What we can learn from children
I’d like to share a story. This is a story about my daughter Tess, who will turn four this August. She’s been in our home since August of 2004, when we adopted her from China. She has been a blessing in so many ways, and she teaches me something new every day, if only I pause long enough to listen and observe. Certainly, as a first time parent, she has taught me a great deal about patience; she moves at a different speed and to a different drummer. She also has reinforced what I know is best in terms of how children learn. This is a story that begins at our kitchen table, traverses through our community, and concludes in the global marketplace.

Wiggles and Piaget
Tess is in love and has been for some time. Her passion is the Wiggles, a children’s performance group out of Australia. At two she was in love with Jeff Wiggle whose character wears the purple shirt. She wore that shirt for a year and now has enshrined it in a special place in her closet. Her new crush is Greg Wiggle whose character wears the yellow shirt. Fickle perhaps, but she is only three. Recently, as we were saying grace before an evening meal, it was Tess’ turn to identify one thing for which she was thankful. You guessed it—“the long-sleeve yellow Wiggles shirt with the logo on the side.”

We know that our daughter is constructing mental maps based on her experiences. Jean Piaget, distinguished child psychologist, described this early childhood development stage as pre-operational. He theorized that a child’s mental models or cognitive structures are based on a child’s activities. Engagement is how a child makes meaning.

[full story]

Design: The Art of Imagination
Strategic Planning Second Generation

You are invited to help shape the future for our children, our schools, and our community. In the year 2007, a community-based strategic planning process will set the future direction of Vancouver Public Schools. This is the second generation of strategic planning. The first strategic plan was launched in 1989, and the accomplishments were phenomenal! Now, it’s time to imagine, design, and create once again.

Why now?
Vancouver Public Schools has a proud history in this community. As the City of Vancouver celebrates its 150-year anniversary in 2007, our school district celebrates an even longer history—since 1852. Even before that, 175 years ago, the Hudson’s Bay Company established the first school in the Northwest within our boundaries.

During the World War II years, Vancouver Public Schools adapted to meet the needs of a changing community. The district tripled in size, double-shifted school schedules, and developed community activities to keep children busy while both parents worked in the shipyards or served in the war.

[full story]

Strategic Plan

The Vancouver School District Board of Directors adopted the Strategic Plan at the Jan. 14, 2008 board meeting. The plan sets the priorities and goals of the school district for the next five years.

Strategic Plan 2008-2013

Sponsors and Partners
Thank you to our sponsors who have provided major monetary contributions to the strategic planning effort in Vancouver Public Schools.

Thank you to the organizations that have provided ongoing partnership support.

City of Vancouver
Vancouver School District Foundation

Vancouver School District • Strategic Planning • 2901 Falk Road • Vancouver, WA 98661 • 360.313.1236
© 2007 Vancouver Public Schools. All rights reserved.