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Superintendent's Report
Board Meeting, January 8, 2013

Chief Fiscal Officer Steve Olsen presented Governor Christine Gregoire’s state budget proposal for 2013-14, which was released in December. This proposed budget indicates a net increase of about $9.3 million for Vancouver Public Schools.

“The Governor’s budget is likely a best-case scenario. Many Olympia insiders believe this budget is dead on arrival,” said Superintendent Steve Webb. “Also, we still do not have resolution to the federal sequestration issue, which could impact us negatively by slightly more than $1 million.”

Newly elected Governor Jay Inslee will take the oath of office January 14, the first day of the new legislative session, and he possibly will release a new or revised budget proposal. Budget proposals also will be coming from the House and Senate. A consensus budget is not expected until April 28 at the earliest. The legislative session is scheduled for 105 days this year but could go into a 30-day extension.

Olsen noted that the district’s multi-year budget approach will help stabilize district operations in the event of budget cuts from the federal government. A final budget proposal for 2013-14 will be brought to the board following adoption of the state budget.